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Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:Punky 投稿日:2015/03/17(Tue) 17:07 home No.5321


Just want everybody know MuBox for Raspberry Pi (http://mubox.voyage.hk/rpi" target="_blank">http://mubox.voyage.hk/rpi) is now available. It also works well with HifiBerry DAC+ (https://www.hifiberry.com/dacplus/" target="_blank">https://www.hifiberry.com/dacplus/). Join us and enjoy high quality of music!

And let me know if you have problem using it. Thanks.


Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:kid 投稿日:2015/05/25(Mon) 23:03 home No.5328

I recieved Raspberry Pi 2B with HifiBerry DAC+ from your store.
To let it work, I had to work some amount.
While tuning linux setting, the SD got broken ( in the meanin of software )
Then I tried to make new SD card by myself.
then I found ubuntu 14.10 which I used to re-complie kernel the other day can not work.
It requierd me to install curl, but the repository my PC holds could not work, maybe 14.10 is out of date.
Then I tried with Debian 8.0.0 ( yes I installed ) but it also made not good effort.
Finally I installed debian 7 , and it made good work.
While it is installing voyage to SD I checked the original SD, and found /etc/network/interfaces had been overritten by some network log.
I manually rewiritten that file , and now I have two SD both work quite fine.
Now I am going to check the difference between voyage-mpd-0.10 and voyage-mubox-rpi and "lightMPD-cubox".
At least lightMPD-cubox and voyage 0.10 plays 32bit-float-wav .
What do you think about that voyage-mubox does't play float-wav file?
Anyway, Hifiberry seems to sound better than UA-1EX.
And works with only little CPU time.
My concern is now going to prepare a case for raspberry, but this hifiberry dac+ is the model with RCA connector, it needs more space than 3.5mm jack.
And another question, how do you think about the "ES9023 SABRE Premier DAC" from DIYINHK ?

Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:kid 投稿日:2015/06/04(Thu) 20:56 home No.5331

通風口は設けていませんが、Raspberry Pi2B で24時間以上通電していて、問題は起こっていません。
Hifiberry DAC+ も一緒にはいっています。RCAタイプですから、当然RCAコネクターは箱から首を出しています。
これって、XS36V + Voyage 0.10 + UA1-EX より良い音が出ている気がします。
問題は fload の wav を再生してくれない位でしょうか。

Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:Punky 投稿日:2015/07/07(Tue) 11:25 home No.5333

Hi kid,

Do you have a 32bit-float-wav sample for me to try out?


Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:kid 投稿日:2015/07/08(Wed) 22:07 home No.5334

Hi Punky

Here are some samples.
http://kid.monolyth.info/side-5.zip" target="_blank">http://kid.monolyth.info/side-5.zip
http://kid.monolyth.info/side-A.zip" target="_blank">http://kid.monolyth.info/side-A.zip
Because they are not public domain yet, you need password "voyage" to retrieve them.
They are made using Audacity so you can make more short sample yourself.
These are the first copy of LP records on the way to fix them in digital data.
I thought float can be better than integer if I modify them with amplitude or filters in multiple steps.
Especially first recording are easily done in low level and need amplification later.
Newly I think not big difference between float and integer, but at that time I thought that way.

Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:kid 投稿日:2015/07/10(Fri) 21:23 home No.5335

By the way,
In the next thread, I wrote as following (sorry for writing in Japanese)

Rgarding Voyage MPD 0.10.0 ,I found ther is written only "options snd-usb-audio index=0 " in the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf.
It lead me to "no sound with EDIROL UA1-EX".
I tried to import alsa-base.conf from voyage 0.95. 0 and now it sounds properly.

Maybe you already found this, but I write here for just for an information.

Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:Punky 投稿日:2015/07/14(Tue) 19:18 home No.5336

Add the following lines in /etc/mpd.conf, restart mpd, float wav should play well:

decoder {
plugin "sndfile"
enabled "no"


Re: MuBox for Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC+ 投稿者:kid 投稿日:2015/07/14(Tue) 20:49 home No.5337

Hi Punky
Thank you very much. It worked.
Actualy that sentense was already written in the mpd.conf, but was commented out.
What I did was to remove sharp marks.
Now I am free from converting float files to integer files.
Again thank you for your nice effort.
