My current experience with x 86 platforms shows up that MPD + RT on TinyCore Linux gives much better sound than other solution like Voyage MPD +RT. The most significant sides of TinyCore are:
- OS is fully loading to RAM
- size of OS around 30-40 Mb
Is any trying to port TinyCore Linux http://tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html" target="_blank">http://tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html on CUBOX?
Hi alecm
Thank you for your interesting information. I have read your linked page. I think it is not easy to port it on cubox. But I found some arm images in forum page. As I have Allwinner A10(Smart TV Box), I will try.
yo thanx for reply, It will be fantastic case!
if you take the google translate you have possibility to read our expirience with MPD(x86) based on Voyage and Tinycore (http://soundex.ru/index.php?showtopic=36645" target="_blank">http://soundex.ru/index.php?showtopic=36645), here a tonns of usefull practical info around this area.
Also you can download and try Tinycore for x86. For taste of many people who have already tried, Tinicore+RT much much better than Voyage+RT.
Hi alecm
Very interesting Link. I have just read only part of it, but I know persons of Russian people are interested in pc-audio in the same way as us. Since I think the combination of mpd and tinycore is a big interest to audiophiles in Japan, I will show your message in Japanese after this.
という次第で、alecmさんのお勧めは RT化された Tinycore linux と mpd の組み合わせだそうです。Voyage MPDよりはるかによい(much much better)そうです。yanさんのパッチは当然の前提になっているようです。yanさんのパッチもグローバル化しているのですねぇ(^^)。
yo, Write me on my email or connect me through skype (iampilgrim), i will be glad to help you with installation or tuning points and sharing our experience for your collegues in Japan.
Hi alecm
Thank you for your kindness. I will email to you if I get trouble to install tinycore.
Ottimo articolo, trtoiaztane veramente completa ^^ anche io mi sono occupato ultimamente di RS anche se io analizzavo in generale gli aspetti negativi che spesso emergono (molti ne hai sviscerati anche te)