Sysex Editor for JV-1010
Program : Sysex Editor for JV/XP
Author : Yo Kubota
Copyright : 1999-
compiler : VC++ 4.0
click here to download "Syxedit.exe" (zip-archieved about 550K bytes).
This program is a text editor for system exclusives. Mainly it is
designed for Roland's JV/XP synth, but you can use it for other models
How to use
SysexEdit has three dialogs - edit, select and effect. Edit dialog is
shown when you activate SysexEdit and is used for editing system
exclusives. Select and effect dialogs are for JV/XP's exclusive use and
the main purpose of them is to compose set-up files for JV/XP.
Select input. "from" button from clipboard or inner buffer, "read" button
from syx files and "TPL" button from template in the edit dialog. Edit
hex-decimal or decimal values and save them by "to" or "set" button to
clipboard and inner buffer and "write" button to a syx or mid file.
Drag&drop operations from explorer are possible to syx and mid files.
Function buttons in the bottom line of edit dialog will help you to edit
JV/XP's system exclusives. Edit decimal valules or ASCII characters after
'=' in the lines starting from '%'. Press "set" button to make your
editing values effective. "shift" button can changes functions of the 8
buttons to the right of "all".
You can select patches and make a set-up-MIDI-files for JV/XPs easily
by using select and effect dialog. Check "buf", press "from" and select
patches from the list box. Number buttons move internal-patches to
performance-mode-temporary-patches and "n" button to user-patches (with
the patch address numbers). Internal patches set can be swapped by the pull
down menu or "select SYX" buttons. Press "effect" button while selecting
a TempPerfPart patch if you want to tune up patch-effect completely by using
effect dialog.
System exclusives are sent automatically to synth modules by "SysEx.exe"
written by Jurgen Mosgraber (Many thanks to Mr. Mosgraber). "SysEx" button
activates "SysEx.exe". Use it for the setup of Midi Input and Output ports
for the first time. System exclusives are sent to JV/XPs by "Pa" button in
a patch-mode and by "Pf" button in a performance-mode if you select patches.
You can select fonts by "font" button. Refer to "help" about the usage of
"port" and "address" boxes.
How to install and uninstall this program
The archieved file( contains below.
readme.txt : this file
readmejp.txt : Japanese ReadMe
syxedset.exe : install file for syxedit
To install, run syxsetup.exe. If you want to change the directory to place
syxedit.exe, change the direcroty name in the setup dialog. Default name is
"c:\syxedit". The Setup program will not create icons for the program,
so please do it yourself.
If you start the program the first time, first press "SysEx" button,
activate sysex.exe and select the "Midi" Menu to set the Midi I/O and
other items.
To uninstall, delete the directory whole where you place sysex.exe.
Recently I bought JV-1010, but there was no patch editor in cooperation
with Cakewalk.
For JV/XPs, excellent freeware patch editors such as "WinJV" by Marco
Stella and "ChangeIt!" by Jurgen Mosgraber are available. If you want to
make a new patch by receiving patches from JV, fixing some parameters,
sending it to JV/XP, hearing the result and checking it, these editors
work perfectly. But when I want to import these patches into Cakewalk,
the modifications of addresses and the re-calculation of the checksum
are very difficult. I could not easily carry out slight modifications
of parameters in a patch when I am editing it in Cakewalk. In the sysex
editing mode of Cakewalk, I must run over raw materials of hexadecimal
dumps. It is a nightmare of a programming debug of 20 years ago.
So, I made this program "Syxedit.exe".
"Syxedit.exe" is designed mainly to make mid/syx files for JV/XP's initial
set-up. So major functions of it are for these porposes. You can use it for
a general porpose but functions for editing patches are limited.
If you want to use a more functional, handsome editor, you can find a lot
of those.
As a compensation(?) to this limitations, I attached the source code of
the program. So, modifications for other sound modules can be easily
carried out. The code is supposed to be treated as an "open source".
You can freely convert it, but the contents are not guaranteed. The author
is free from the responsibility of the result of any conversion.
This program is a freeware. You can use it as you like on your own
responsibility. The author is free from the responsibility of the result
of any use of the program. Please inform me when you copy and upload it
to other nets.
Yo Kubota
How to Use syxedit.exe
- Basical Usage
Eight Buttons Above
for input
from : read system exclusives from Windows clipboard (hexadecimal text format) or internal buffer
TPL : read system exclusives from template file (setup ini file)
read : read files in the syx format
for output
to : write system exclusives to Windows clipboard
write : write system exclusives in the syx/mid format files (distinguished
by the extensions)
help : show help files (same contents of my web-page's html)
SysEx : activate "SysEx.exe"
quit : quit program
- For input, you can also select files by "drag and drop"s from explorer.
- Refer to "Editing Functions" about how to edit the material shown in the dialog.
12 Buttons Below
9 buttons on the left are function buttons. The functions of these buttons vary for each Sysex. Functions of 8 buttons rigth side to "all" can be shifted (assigned for another functions) by the "shift" button. These functions are basically rowed by the order of JV/XP's sysex implementation. If you want to know what functions these buttons will be assigned for, read the sample syx files (@system.syx, @perf.syx, @patch.syx, @rhythm.syx) and click these buttons actually. Please refer to JV/XP manuals about the meaning.
shift : shift functions (see above)
set : sett the material edited on the editing screen for JV
into sytem exclusives
Pa : send temporary-patches to JV/XPs by using "SysEx.exe"
Pf : send perfomance-patches to JV/XPs by using "SysEx.exe"
- All these buttons are for JV/XPs only.
Two Input Boxes
port : For the input of the port number
address : For the input of the upper two bytes of the address of JV/XP
"port" functions when a mid file is assigned by the "write" button. ff2101 of MIDI data is used for the assignment of ports.
In the case of an address, when you press the "set" button, the upper two bytes of the address are replaced by the input data.
- The "address" function is for JV/XP series only.
Two Check Boxes
address : assigning whether to make the input data in the address box
valid or not (see above)
buf-mode : assigning the mode which processes the input data in the
internal buffer without using Windows clipboard
(Further details are explained later.)
- The Editing Functons(This is no other than the editing function of Windows dialog)
In "syxedit.exe", sysex data are processed as a text file. Therefore, the Cut&Paste function can be used as in ordinary editors. This function has a lot of usages such as deleting an unnecessary Performance Part or corying parameters related to the effects in a patch by Copy&Paste.
You can also execute more than one "syxedit.exe" and edit a new rhythm set by Cut&Paste.
The data interchanged between the editor and the clipboard are also hexadecimal dump texts. Thus, if you use a sequencer which can process sysex in the text format (such as Cakewalk), you can exchange data by the shortcut operation of Cut&Paste. (In Cakewalk, you can do it quickly by the right click in the Edit-System Exclusive Bytes dialog.)
When you edit sysex data, if they are hexadecimal dumps displayed by the "from/to/read/write" buttons, change the hexadecimal values. If they are texts displayed by the function buttons, edit the decimal figures or ASCII letters after '=' in the lines beginning with '%'
After editing, press the "to"/"write" button in the case of hexadecimal figures, the "set" button in the case of decimal figures, and the edited results will be valid. (If a player is assigned, the renewed Sysex data will be sent to the sound module.)
With the TMP button, you can edit both data in hexadecimal figures and decimal figures. When you have edited hexadecimal figures, press the "to/write" button and renew the data. When you have edited decimal figures, press the "set" button and renew the sysex data.
' '(space), ','(comma) or '-'(hyphen) can be used as a delimiter of figures.
The lines beginning with 0-9 A-F a-f are processed as hexadecimal dump lines.
When a letter except 0-9 A-F a-f, space, comma and hyphen are found in a hexadecimal lines, all the letters after that in the line are regarded as comments and are not processed at all.
'=' in the % lines are searched from backward.
- Functions Perhaps of Use
Automatic Calculation of Checksums
With "to/write/set" buttons the checksum of sysexes of Yamaha in the bulkdump format or of Roland are automatically calculated and set.
Sending the edited sysexes to the sound module
If a MIDI or syx player is selected, it is automatically executed by the "to/set" button. This function is very convenient when you want to check the result of a slight change of a parameter in a patch by using instrument keyboard.
In the set-up file (syxedit.ini) of "syxedit.exe", "SysEx.exe" written by Jurgen Mossraber (Many thanks to Mr. Mossraber) is assigned as a default syx player. You must setup your MIDI environment before you use it.
Saving syx and mid files
You can save the editing results as syx files or as mid files. The program judge it by the extention of a file name.
Calculating the Sending Timing of Sysexes
The mid files generated by "write" are assigned to be sent at the correct timing automatically calculated according to the length of the sysex. The control changes necessary for the initial setting of JV/XPs are automatically attached by the data assigned in "syxedit.ini". You can modify the values by rewriting "syxedit.ini".
Assigning Ports
The mid file gets the port number assigned in the port input box. The assignment of the port numbers are carried out by the ff2101 data of MIDI.
When you select a mid file at "read," the port number is automatically converted. For further details, see syxedit.ini.
Please Make Templates!
Using setting files(default name is jv-1010.ini), you can make templates for adaptations for sound modules except JV/XP (The file names can be freely assigned in syxedit.ini).
I hope some of you will make templates for XG or GS. Please tell me when you made a good template.
- Functions for JV/XP
Assigning buf-mode
This mode helps you to make initial setting data for JV/XP (mid/syx) easily.
syxedit.exe has these areas below
system-common(1), system-tune(17),
temporary-performance-common(1), temporary-performance-part(16),
user-performance-common(32), user-performance-part(32*16),
performance-mode-temporary patch-common(16),
user-patch-common(128), user-patch-tone(128*4),
internal-patch-common(128), internal-patch-tone(128*4),
temporary-rhythm-setup(1), temporary-rhythm-note(64),
user-rhythm-setup(2), user-rhythm-note(2*64)
as internal buffers.
Among these,
system-common(1), system-tune(17),
temporary-performance-common(1), temporary-performance-part(16),
internal-patch-common(128), internal-patch-tone(128*4)
have pre-set data for classical music in the initial settings (you can select what internal user patch to read by syxedit.ini). If the address of the edited data corresponds to one of the buffers above, syxedit.exe saves it in the appointed internal buffer.
If you assign buf-mode, inputs and outputs are processed in the internal buffers. The input from the syx files comes through internal buffers. As for the file output, not only the area displayed on the screen but the whole temporary area in the internal buffer is output into files. You can swap the contents in the internal-patch by "SwapIntPatches" button. Use "1-9,11-16,n" buttons and "remove" button to move and remove datas between the temporary/user buffer and the internal buffer when you select patches and between the temporary buffer and the user buffer when you select rhythm-notes. To assign user-patch number, use input-box left from "n" button.
You would say, "The description above is all Greek to me." Please try the following. First, mark the check box of buffer mode. Then, press the "from" button. Select the internal-patch or the user rhythm-note, you want to use, from the menu and press "1-9,11-16,n" buttons. Internal-patches can be swapped by "SwapIntPatcches" button. Press "effect" button while selecting a user-patch if you want to tune up patch-effect completely.
Return the edit dialog by "ok" button. Press the "write" button and save the file in the mid format. When you examine the output mid file in your sequence program, you can grasp what processes have been carried out on the whole.
The Performance and Patch Effect Tuning dialog box
This dialog is a extended version of JV-2080's effect display panel.
You can open it by pressing "effect" button while you are selecting a user patch(200-215) in the "Select sysexes and compose setup data" dialog in the buffer-mode.
You understand the meaning of the display panel if you know the sysex-functions concerning about the effects of JV/XPs. If you couldn't, please refer to JV/XP's manuals and web informations.
The Replacement of Addresses in address box
You can replace the upper two bytes of an address by the figures in the address input box. With this function, you can replace User Performance/Patch/Rhythm into Temporary Performance/Patch/Rhythm in one operation.
The Setting Files
Comments for JV are described in the setting files (default jv-1010.ini). The name of the setting files of comments can be changed by syxedit.ini.
Both jv-1010.ini and syxedit.ini are text files. You can edit the contents as you like. For example, you can make a setting file for jv-1080 or display comments for your exclusive use. If you want to know closely how to edit these files, see the setting file and the source code. They will be of help, too.
For other unclear points, refer to the source code.
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