Here are programs and macros for Cakewalk.
- Program to improve step recoding of Cakewalk (Cakestep)
- Program to input control changes and pitch bends according to the specified curve (Cakecont)
Both programs and macros can work under Cakewalk for windows V2.0 or later. 16-Bits-applications can work under Windows95/98.
- Mandelbrot music macro(polyphonic & extended version)
- Mandelbrot music macro(square wave version)
You can use all programs and CALs in this page freely at your own risk. Refer here about the copyright policy in this web-site.
I have no plan to write an English manual. Here are a few hints to use Cakestep.
How to start Cakestep.
Fast Slow 9 +3 8 +1 7 -1 6 96%/-4 98%/-2 5 92%/-8 96%/-4 4 88%/-12 94%/-6 3 60% 2 40% 1 20% 0 90% - 80%Velocity value by one touch key
narrow medium wide R ppp( 42 28 14) T pp ( 54 42 30) Y p ( 66 56 46) U mp ( 78 70 62) I mf ( 90 84 78) O f ( 102 98 94) P ff ( 114 112 110) @ fff( 126 126 126)
I think the usage of 32-bits version is easy. You can do almost all operations by mouse clicks. Please see "About" how to use mouse click. Refer to the hints of 16-bits-version.
Below are a few hints to use Cakecont of 16-bits-version.